Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Forgot something

On our way out of Zion we were being tailed by these guys in a silver SUV of some kind. They were behind us for quite a long time and I would check to see if they were there still every once in awhile, but one time I looked back and they were gone! I had no clue where they could have gone since there were no roads to turn off on to. Well I kept scooting then all of a sudden they reappeared! They were getting extremely close and I was wishing they would just pass us up but they weren't, and I guess they couldn't anyways because we were traveling next to a double solid yellow line. Well at the first opportunity they had they finally started passing us. They pulled up right along side us and rolled down their window. They were yelling something but I couldn't hear because of the wind, but then they starting pointing at a black camera case. "Oh awesome! They wanna take a picture of us!" I thought. But then I looked carefully at what the girl in the passenger seat was saying, I read her lips "Your camera fell out of your back pack!" Haha! I must have looked so retarded, I remember my jaw seriously dropped wide open. We pulled over and the nice couple told us that it had fallen out of the backpack Dan was wearing about a mile or two back. They stopped to pick it up then chased us down to give it back to us. I'm so thankful for people like those two. The case wasn't totally zipped up when it fell out so the camera was damaged a little, but it still works just fine!

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